A FREEMASON ceremony. We hear SOFT CHANTING with dark and ominous undertones. Foreboding music.

NARRATOR (V.O.): Shadows are peeled from ancient stone walls by shaking candlelight. Swords. White gloves. Aprons. A mysterious chalice. All that Freemason shit. Also, this is a flashback so just pretend that it says Fifteen Years Ago or something like that at the bottom of the screen. (beat) There are three Degrees a Mason can obtain along their journey. Entered Apprentice. Fellow-craft. And Master Mason. At each level a Mason initiate will learn new secrets about the Freemason Brotherhood. But first they must swear their loyalty to protecting these secrets… Today, Walter Clay will confer the highest degree as he becomes a Master Mason. 

WALT: I solemnly promise to guard all the secrets I learn here… binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut from ear to ear, my tongue torn out by its roots and with my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this my most solemn obligation as a Master Mason.

WMM: (grunt)

WALT: What? Did I forget something?

WMM: Possibly…

WALT: Throat cut ear to ear. Buried in the sea. Tongue torn out by its roots… What did I miss?

WMM: (giving him a line) ...having my left breast torn open…


WALT: Oh, right. right. right. Got it. (beat) Should I just jump back in where I left off or should we run it all back to the beginning?

FREEMASONS IN CROWD: Furthermore… Furthermore… Furthermore…

WALT: Right.. just picking up where I left off ...having my left breast torn open, my heart taken thence, and given to the vultures of the air...having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken thence and with my body burned to ashes, and those ashes scattered to the four winds so that there might remain no trace nor remembrance, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate this my most solemn obligation as a Master Mason.

WMM: Who here has a question to ask this stone? 

SAUL: If you see an Owl in the—

WALT: I will warn the Owl of any danger.

WMM: I appreciate your enthusiasm, initiate, but please allow your brother to ask the entire question before responding. Get Level. 

WALT: Right. Apologies. Level. 

WMM: Let us continue. Who else here has a question to ask this stone?

NEIL: If a Mason were missing, where would you hope to find him?

WALT: Between the Square and Compass.

NEIL: And why there?

WALT: Because by acting on one, he would be sure to be found within the other.

SAUL: Who tried to cut your throat with a two-foot rule?

WALT: The first assassin.

SAUL: Where were you when that fella tried to cut your throat? 

WALT: At the South Gate.

TERRY: What does a beehive tell you?

WALT: To be industrious.

SAUL: Which gate did they carry you out of when they carried you to the Trash Pile? 

WALT: The West Gate.

NEIL: When were you found to be Missing?

WALT: At low six.

TERRY: What can bees teach a Mason?

WALT: You already asked that one. 

TERRY: It’s different. 

WALT: It’s not.

WMM: It is different.

WALT: Well, the response is exactly the same, innit? So, if anything I think we can all agree that its a bit redundant? 


WALT: To be industrious. It means to be industrious.

TERRY: When there’s a member of your party in need…

WALT: I will be there or I will be square.

SAUL: Do you have anything to give in the name of charity?


SAUL: Were you deprived of everything prior to entering the lodge?

WALT: Yes.

NEIL: What time of day did you lose your life?

WALT: At High Noon.

NEIL: How many times have you been buried?

WALT: Three times. 

NEIL: From what were you raised? 

WALT: From a Superficial Flat to a Living Sphere.

TERRY: Who raised you?

WALT: The Worshipful Master.

WMM: Where do you stand? 

WALT: I stand on water. Black, dark and infinite. 

WMM: What’s beneath you?

WALT: I have no knowledge of what is beneath me.

NEIL: What do you conceal?

WALT: All of the secrets instructed to me.

NEIL: Where do you conceal them? 

WALT: In a safe repository, neither metal, nor wood. 

NEIL: Where is this repository?

WALT: In the pectoral region.

FREEMASON: How can you smile in the face of death?

WALT: We have one pass through this world. Any good I can do. Any kindness I can show. I will show it. I will smile back.

WMM: Should you ever meet an Owl in distress…

WALT: I will treat him. I will protect him. 

WMM: Louder.

WALT: I will treat him. I will protect him. 

WMM:: See that you do.


WMM: Brother Clay, let me congratulate you on leveling up. Nest, in concert, Amen. 

Long BEAT of room ambience.  

WALT: What comes next? 

WMM: I want you to know… that was almost perfect timing. 


WMM: See what I mean? That would’ve been pretty sweet if the timing had matched up with your question. 

WALT: That wall moves?

WMM: (casual) Hidden doors and secret passageways are only the beginning... (beat) At this level you’ll also get access to our secret bowling alley, The Masonic Lanes. 

WALT: Wait… The Masonic Lanes are real? I’ve heard rumors, but I’ve thought it to be a metaphor for wasteful budgetary spending… 

WMM: Yes, the Masonic Lanes are quite real. As is my League Record 279. 

WALT: Impressive.

WM: One day I will regale you with the tale of how I conquered a Greek Church. 

WALT: A Greek what? 

WMM: My apologies. I thought you were a TenPin Man. A Greek Church is a four-six-seven-nine-ten split. See… what you want to do is aim for the Six Pin. Give it all you’ve got and send that cheeky bastard bouncing off the nine pin. The Nine Pin is gonna take out his best mate Mr. Tenner and they’re both gonna cross the deck and mix it up with the Seven and the Four — And before you know it… 279. There’s much more to the story, but today isn’t about my TenPin Alley Excellence, no, today is about the raising of Walter Clay. Come, Walter… it’s time for you to take your seat in the East. 

NARRATOR (V.O.): As Walt and the Worshipful Master Mason enter the secret passageway… the wall slides to a close behind them.

WMM: This next part has never before been written about in any of the official or unofficial Freemason texts. When it comes to the secrets held by our brotherhood, this is one of the juicy ones…

WALT: You’re making me nervous.

WMM: Here drink this goat blood. It’ll help calm you down. 

WALT: What? 

WMM: Just kidding. See, we can have fun around here too. (beat) And I am beginning now… (pause) Here we have a table and on this table are five stone rings. 

WALT: Yep. One two three four five. Uh-huh. 

WMM: Study these rings. Focus on them. But don’t just look at them.. establish a connection. And let me know when one speaks to you. 

Walt takes a short beat studying the rings, and then grabs one. 

WALT: I like this one.

WMM: Yes, but what did it say to you?

WALT: It says… hmm… I think the eye here tells me that we should be ever awake to any opportunities of doing good. 

WMM: What else does it have to say? Anything about Gravity or Calculus? 

WALT: (confused, but still trying to exude confidence) Well, my ring friend here also says that knowledge is important. It will help us stay grounded. Humble. And square. 

WMM: That doesn’t sound like him, but okay. Walt, I cannot overstate the importance of this ring and the soul inside it. If this is your final decision, you will need to keep in on you at all times. Never allow the ring to leave your possession if even for a moment. 

NARRATOR (V.O.): Walt slides the ring onto his hand. 

WALT: Look at that.. It fits… sorta.

WMM: Hoo-Hoo.

WALT: Hoo-Hoo.

NARRATOR (V.O.): It doesn’t. The stone ring wiggles loose on Walt’s finger. 

WALT: I should probably have it resized-

WMM: No, Walter! You must never let the ring leave your possession even for a moment! I was literally just saying that. Were you not listening? 

NARRATOR (V.O.): The Worshipful Master Mason takes Walt by the hand. Gripping Walt’s knuckle just above the ring. 

WMM:: Once you leave this Lodge with that ring it becomes your ward. Do not ever lose it, Walter Clay of 716 Durham Dr, St. Louis, MO… Walter Clay who always sits down to urinate.

WALT: How did you—-

WMM: We’re the Freemasons. We have our ways. 

WALT: There’s nothing wrong with that by the way.

WMM: Walter you must know that if you lose this ring we’ll be required by Mason Oath to do some pretty disturbing stuff to you.

WALT: Like what?

WMM: Well, for starters we’d chop your toes off.

WALT: For starters!?

WMM: (deadpan) Yeah. (beat) For starters. It gets a whole lot worse from there.

WALT: Well, I guess I’ll be sure not to lose it then. My toes or the ring. 

They both laugh.

WMM: This time I am being serious though. 


NARRATOR (V.O.): Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason, Episode Three, And Everyone Clapped.


We’re treated to a corporate orientation video straight from the late 1980s. A shitty pop stock song plays in the background. The final shot is of the Clarke family waving Goodbye or Hello to the Trainees. 

GEORGE CLARKE: (on video) ...I hope you enjoyed our trip around the world of Clarke Communications. So… are you all ready to join the Clarke Communications family?

The TAPE loses tracking at the end and the voices become a demonic swirl of noise and static. TRACKING FUZZ AND VHS EJECT.


Welcome to the training class for Clarke Communications.  It looks just like every boring corporate classroom or conference room you’ve ever been in. Standing at the head of the class is JUDY, the training class teacher. She feigns excitement as she puts away the VHS tape. WALT awkwardly stands off to the side waiting for his cue. 

JUDY: (sarcastic)  Me! Me! I’m excited! (beat) It’s okay. That never really gets much of a response. My name’s Judith Jackson, but you can call me Judy, JJ, or Miss Jackson if you’re nasty.

A few nervous LAUGHS.

JUDY:  Clap again.

Everyone CLAPS.

JUDY: Joining us today for your orientation is our very special guest, Walter Clay from Human Resources. Come on up here, Walter

WALT: (to class) Hello everyone, my name is Walter Clay, but you can call me Walt. Or Mr. Clay if you’re nasty. Okay… how about we just stick with Walt then? In front of each of you should be a copy of our handbook... the Clarke Communications Code of Conduct, Ethics, No-JNo’s and Gray Area Mapping. 

JUDY: And I want you to take that handbook and set it to the side because first we’re gonna have some fun. Yeah!

WALT: (to Judy) Now why would you call me up here just to—

Judy has moved on and is giving her full attention to the class.  

JUDY: As you can see every table has a set of Magic Markers. This of course can only mean one thing… Arts and Crafts. We’re gonna make some Introduction Posters and get to know each other. So come grab a poster-board, and then take the next… half hour or so to draw a poster describing yourself. Your family, hobbies, Fun stories, prior work experience…. whatever you think of when you think of yourself is what I wanna see on that poster. And once we’re all done we’re gonna go around the room and show off our posters! Even Mr. Clay is going to make one. Yeah, so much fun. Everybody clap. 

Everyone CLAPS. JUDY walks back by Walt.

JUDY: Take a seat, Mr. Clay. 

NARRATOR (V.O.): Walt takes a seat at a nearby table and reaches for a black marker. In all caps he confidently writes his name. WALT. Then “Walt In-All-Caps” spends the next few minutes completely dumbfounded as to what to draw next. He’s surrounded by the sound of markers squeaking and scratching against paper… the sound of lives being filled in. Using a blue marker Walt draws two stick figures and an animal. A Parent. A Child. And a really shitty picture of a horse. The horse on Walt’s poster is named MeowMeow. We’ll meet them soon enough. The child in the picture is Walt’s daughter. Derby. 


On break WALT sneaks in a quick call to his daughter DERBY. We hear a PHONE DIALING, RINGING and SWITCHING OVER TO VOICEMAIL

DERBY: (voicemail greeting) This is Derby Clay. You know what to do. 

A Voicemail BEEP.

WALT: Hey… Derbster. It’s Dad. I just wanted to remind you about my thing tonight… For the book. I’ll… uh… I’ll text you the details in case you want to come. You used to love to listen to me read stories, right? It’ll be just like that. But in a bookstore with strangers. And you’ll need to stay awake. (Mild laugh) Listen… I’m trying here… and it would mean a lot to me to have you there for one of these… It’s okay, though, if you can’t—-


JAY: Welcome to Smallwood Books. Today we’re having a sale on Romantic Cryptid Alternate History Fiction— (realizes) Hey… Amari! 

AMARI: Hey, Jay..

JAY: Bad news… we’re both going to be stuck closing with Steve tonight.  

AMARI: (sarcastic) What? No. I’m supposed to be doing nothing tonight. 

JAY: Right? Same. So… did you watch it or what?

AMARI: What?

JAY: The show I was telling you about… Handcuffed at First Sight. Did you watch it? this Season is so-so-so-so good. One of the couples is really cute and they had instant chemistry so it’s fun to watch them fall in love or whatever. Another couple… the girl is an animal dentist or something like that and the guy grew up in a Cult that worshipped see-saws. He’s the maybe-Serial Killer-one.

A customer enters. It’s SUPERFAN.

JAY: Welcome to Smallwood Books. Today we’re having a sale on Romantic Cryptid Alternate History Fiction and — 

SUPERFAN: (excited to hear that) Are you for real?!

JAY: I am for real. 

SUPERFAN: (excited) Sign me up for some of that! You have made my day. 

JAY: No problem. Let me know if you need help finding anything. 

AMARI: It’s dead today. 

JAY: So dead. Steve’s been playing Smashed Potatoes for the past two hours. 

STEVE: I’m on Level 26. Smash Em.  

JAY: Level, what? Hold up. 


WALT is standing at the front of the CALL CENTER training class. We hear the end of his poster board presentation.

SOUNDS | Bored Classroom Ambience. Someone is clicking a marker lid on and off. 

WALT: …and lastly… I’m a writer. My novel is called, The Centaur.

TRAINEE: Is it a Fantasy novel? 

WALT: I can see why you might think that because of the title. Being The Centaur and all, but, no, it’s… hmmm…. you might call it a modern western of sorts…  It’s a story about a Jockey and a Gang who will pay dearly for stealing the jockey’s horse. Last thing I’ll say is that if any of you are interested in hearing more I’ll be having an official Author Reading Event and Book Signing tonight at Smallwood Books. I’d love to see you all there in attendance. Any of you. You’re all invited. Seven pm.

JUDY: Yeah, very cool. Very cool. Let’s all clap for Mr. Clay. Yeah. Yeah.

Everyone CLAPS.


Walt going upstairs in the Stairwell headed to the roof of the Clarke Communications Building. The Security Guard, ED, passes him on his way down the Stairwell. 

ED: Walt! You headed out?

WALT: It’s about that time innit?

ED: Have a great weekend, Walt. 

WALT: You too, Ed. (beat) Hey… whaddaya got going on tonight? 

ED:  Not a whole lot. Probably just hanging out. Watching Tv. Why, what’s up? 

WALT: Well, my novel just came out and…

ED: Hey, congratulations! The one about the Jockey and his horse or whatever, right?

WALT: (happy) Yeah, yeah… that’s the one. 

ED: I remember you always talking about how much you hated it while you were writing it. That’s really cool, man. Most people don’t follow through on stuff like that. 

WALT: Hard part is over with. That’s for sure. (Laughs) I have to say though… it was pretty cool getting to cut open that box from the publisher and seeing my book as like… a real book. 

ED: Walter Clay, Published Author. Seriously… congratulations, man.  

WALT: Well, anyway, the reason I brought it up was because I’m having a reading

at Smallwood Books. 

ED: (positive) Ah, shit.

WALT: …and it starts at 8pm tonight if you’d like to come.

ED: (tone switch) Uh… yeah, yeah, I’ll see what I can do. For sure. As long as you don’t forget about the rest of us when you’re a famous writer.  

WALT: Ah, I’ve still got a ways to go…


Walt is listening to a podcast called, DEATH ROW HAS TALENT.

PETER (on radio): Welcome back to Death Row Has Talent. Today we’re going to be discussing the Poetry of the Shoemaker Killer, Joseph Kallinger.

PETE (on radio): You know Peter, I’ve been reading some of this… and I’ve gotta say… it’s really not that bad… This one is called, “The Unicorn in the Garden,” (reading) When I was a little boy, My adoptive parents killed the unicorn in my garden. The nightingale died, too, and the lilacs and roses perished. I wanted to be an actor…. playing with the unicorn in my garden, But they said: "You will be a  Shoemaker, like your father..”


WALT is sitting in his car, on the phone with his sibling, EVIE. 

WALT:  No, I mean my book. What did you think of it?

EVIE:  Um...

WALT: Did you read it?

EVIE: I told you I only read books on the Kindle now.

WALT: And I told you its on the fucking Kindle now. 

EVIE: I'm getting around to it okay. I've been getting really into this Space Dracula series lately so that's taking up most of my reading time. 

WALT: Space Dracula? Are you serious? You'd rather read Space Dracula than something your own Brother wrote. 

EVIE: Yeah, but you’re not like.. an actual writer.

WALT: There are at least twenty-two people on Amazon who disagree with you. 

EVIE: Right. And how many of those reviews are from you?

WALT: Just three. 

EVIE: And one of those is a negative One Star Review so its not like you can count that one. Especially when they called your writing, "beyond unbearable..”

WALT: Evie… you read the One Star Reviews for my book… but you won't read my book... what kind of monster are you?

EVIE: (laughs) I wanted to see how you were doing…

WALT: (sibling banter) Oh, fuck off. Didn’t think to leave me a positive one. Maybe balance it out.

EVIE: (sarcastic) Now, Walter. That wouldn’t be ethical now would it?

WALT: This might be the first time I’ve ever heard you concern yourself with what is or isn’t ethical. 

Evie laughs.

WALT: Alright, I'm about to head in. You need to go to sleep. 

EVIE: Oh, don’t worry about me. My sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked already. Well, break a leg or whatever it is I’m supposed to say…



WALT sits at a white folding table reading an excerpt from his novel. It’s a Live Author Reading Event at a small indie bookstore named SMALLWOOD BOOKS. Walt's audience is nothing but a sea of empty metal folding chairs. 

WALT: (Reading) Mortimer’s hometown had been lost to the worn down white fold lines on the map… The creek beds were the first thing to dry up. But they were soon followed by the alcohol, money and opportunities… This was the way of life in Ashwood. 

NARRATOR (V.O.): Within a page Walt was down to an audience of ten. Then five. Then three. Then one. Then none. Walt stopped mid-sentence when he realized the room was empty. The silence continued until Amari, an employee of Smallwood Books Employee entered the room and began folding up the chairs.

WALT: Hey, hold on now. I'm supposed to be having a Professional Author Reading slash Book Signing in here any minute. 

AMARI: (sarcastic) Oh, my bad.. I just thought that since there was no one in here. 

WALT: I'm still warming up. It’s not actually supposed to start for another few minutes.

AMARI: Guy, I work here so I know the schedule. And also… the poster right next to you says 7-8pm. And It's 7:45pm. I don't think anyone's coming. 

WALT: Well… then I still have at least fifteen minutes. 

AMARI: (mocking) Okay, well… My manager told me to start putting away the chairs. What am I supposed to do? 

WALT: Please. Just sit for a moment. And at eight I’ll be finished and I'll help you clear out all the chairs. 

AMARI: You want me to just sit here and listen to you read your book because no one else came?

WALT: No. That’s not it. 

AMARI: Then what's happening here? 

WALT: Just sit down. (beat) Please.

AMARI sits.

WALT: For those first five years Mortimer was forced to give up on his dream. Even in a world where he thought he’d excel… there were still many better men… all much more fit to ride the horse… 

AMARI: Is this one of those sex books? 

WALT: No. There's no sex in this book.

AMARI: No sex at all? Like not even a romantic subplot.


AMARI: That's a mistake. People love reading about other people fucking. Paranormal fucking, Mystery fucking, Fantasy fucking… every section of this place is just… ya know… (air quotes) romance books.  

WALT: I’ll give you ten bucks and a free copy of my book if you just sit quietly and listen.

AMARI: Sounds good. Don’t worry about the book.

WALT: Fair enough. Hmm… well then, let me just figure out where I left off… 

WALT: …life as an apprentice jockey tended to drag on and on… The work was hard and isolating… and many times Mortimer questioned whether or not it was worth it. Being this far away from life and still being this far away from the action… how could it be worth it? Suddenly, MeowMeow, one of the older mares collapsed in the—-(/reading) (to Amari) Can you please get off your phone? 

AMARI: I’m listening.

WALT: Then what did I say?

AMARI: Something about Dragons, but I couldn’t really tell because you were mumbling.  

WALT: There are no Dragons in this book. It's about a Jockey. And a Horse. And a crime syndicate. And friendship. And I wasn’t mumbling.

AMARI: No sex and no dragons. Who is this book for?

NARRATOR (V.O.): Such an innocuous line, but it guts Walt. And for a moment, he doesn’t have a response. 

WALT: (a little flustered) I… I dedicated years of my life to this book. Do you see this?

AMARI: What? The Centaur by Walter Clay. Are you showing me your name?

WALT: Well, yes, but it’s not just that… It's the raised impressions…here… Do you see the way the letters pop off the dust jacket? I can feel the raised impression of my own name on my own book. And that title… that's-

AMARI: (sarcastic) That's really cool. I get it. You're important and your horse book is important too. 

WALT: I'm not saying I'm important. What I'm saying is that this story means something to me because it is me. I wrote this… I crafted it with my brain. My fingers. My...

AMARI: And in doing so, you think that makes you important, right

WALT: No... Not necessarily. But I mean a little bit I guess, maybe to some people. Somewhere. I hope.

AMARI: Just not here. Or now.  

WALT: (up) Exactly. (down) Exactly.

AMARI: Can I start folding up these empty chairs now? 

WALT: I... you... (sigh) Hold on, I'll help.  

WALT moves around the table to the empty audience of chairs and begins folding them up.

WALT: This might sound a little weird, but can I ask you to do me one more favor…


AMARI exits the bookstore holding a stack of books. All copies of The Centaur.     

AMARI: Here you go, Walter Clay. Twelve copies of “The Centaur” written by Walter Clay. 

WALT: Thank you. So far, I’ve found this to be the most embarrassing part of being a published writer. 

AMARI: Having to buy the unsold copies of your book? 

WALT: Yeah. I mean... (laughs) …yeah. 

AMARI: Well… we're about to close, so…    

WALT: Right. Well, thank you, Amari. I know I’m a bit awkward, but I do want you to know that I appreciate this favor you’ve done for me.   

WALT starts to walk away.

AMARI: Hey, Walter. Hold up. 

WALT: Yes?

AMARI: Do I still get a free copy of your book? 

NARRATOR (V.O.): Walt perks up. This has made his day. 

WALT: I just might have an extra copy or two on me. (laughs) 

AMARI: (laughs) 

WALT: You know, what?

Walt pulls out a PEN from a pocket and signs the inside front cover of the book. 

WALT (CONT’D): There we are. Autographed first edition of The Centaur. For free. Well, thanks again, Amari. Take care

AMARI: You too, Walt.

Walt gets into his car and drives away. 

Amari stands in the parking lot for a moment before her co-workers, Jay and Steve exit the BOOKSTORE. 

JAY: Hey, Amari, hold up. Sure you don’t need a ride?

AMARI: I’m good.

JAY: Really it’s not a problem. I’m already giving Steve a ride.

AMARI: Nah, I appreciate it, but my bus stop is close. And I’ve got a few podcasts to catch up on.

SOUNDS | The Sound Effects for SMASHED POTATOES alert on Steve’s phone.  

STEVE: Hey would you look at that. I’ve leveled up! Dunnanauntnana!

AMARI: What’s he talking about? 

JAY: That new game Smashed Potatoes. I already deleted it. 

AMARI: Couldn’t keep up? 

JAY: I’m not gonna listen to someone leveling up all day while I can’t get past the dirt box level

AMARI: (laughs) Well, anyway. I’m gonna hit it

JAY: Please be careful. Everyone knows the streets of St. Louis are crawling with weirdos

The Mobile App Sound Effects erupt from Steve’s phone. He’s leveled up again. 

STEVE: (in third person) Steve, you are on fire today my man.

JAY: See what I mean.  


AMARI sits in the back of an empty listening to DEATH ROW HAS TALENT on her earbuds.

NARRATOR (V.O.): It’s late. The bus is empty. Quiet and peaceful it rumbles through the streets of St. Louis. From a few seats back a strange woman moves to the seat in front of Amari. Once seated she immediately peers back over top of the seat at her.

PETER (on radio): And if you’d like to hear more of the amazing talents held by the worst killers of all time, please subscribe to the pod, throw us a rating or review on Apple Podcasts and be sure to set up a monthly recurring donation to our patreon page. If you want to hear my acoustic covers of all of Charlie Manson’s greatest hits, the only place they’re available is on our exclusive premium feed…. 

CULT LEADER (clip): (transcribe clip)

AMARI: (like excuse me wtf) Hello? 

BOSSBABE: Hey Bossbabe, I wanted to reach out and let you know about this new business opportunity. If you have a minute I’d love to share some information with you!

AMARI: Umm… no thanks. I’m good.    

BOSSBABE: Are you sure? You could earn your current yearly salary in a week or more! It’s a life changing opportunity that I’d really hate for you to miss out on. (voided laugh)

AMARI: I appreciate what you’re trying to do. Really I do. Can’t knock the hustle. We’ve all been there before, but I need you to just please give me some space. 

BOSSBABE: Not only can I give you space. I can also give you the promise of a

better future.. (beat) ..today. 

AMARI:   Like I said, I can appreciate the hustle. And that’s exactly why I don’t want you wasting your energy on me. 

BOSSBABE: Well, I appreciate your honesty… I just realized I never got your name. 

NARRATOR (V.O.): We begin our journey surrounded by symbols and strangers. Raw and wet. Cornered and confused. We are all forced to interpret the world within the limits of our own subjective understanding. We all willingly wear a blindfold that was a gift from someone we trusted. We are all the same. Try to keep that in mind as we go along.